Spicing it Up | Enliven Your Kitchen and Palate with Herbs

Spicing it Up | Enliven Your Kitchen and Palate with Herbs

  • Kathy Sexton
  • 11/18/22

Spicing It Up! | Enliven Your Kitchen and Palate with Herbs

Your Home & Lifestyle Magazine

Herbs are the friend of the physician and the pride of cooks.” It’s a quote attributed to Charlemagne the Great, but the sentiment rings true centuries later. Whether blooming in a garden or simmering in a pot, herbs are an enticing delight for the senses. And while North American kitchen staples like rosemary, basil, and thyme are culinary stalwarts for a reason, there’s an entire world of herbs to explore. Try these less-common delights the next time you plant your garden or reach for a new recipe.


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