Smart Thinking | Ways to Support Brain Health

Smart Thinking | Ways to Support Brain Health

  • Kathy Sexton
  • 09/27/24

Smart Thinking | Ways to Support Brain Health

Your Home & Lifestyle Magazine

In the world of health, there is a lot of emphasis on physical fitness. You know you’re supposed to eat right, get regular exercise, see your doctor annually, and avoid all the vices. But you don’t get as many regular reminders about keeping your brain as fit as your body. As the societal norm moves away from a foundation of community, the simple interactions that once kept people’s minds engaged are waning. Whether you want to improve your memory or be proactive so you can stay sharp as a tack for the long run, consider adding some of these activities to your to-do list today.

What’s Up, Doc?

For starters, if you’re having regular forgetfulness or brain fog, make an appointment to see your doctor. Although mental exercises shouldn’t hurt, there is always the potential that you are dealing with a bigger health issue. Physical conditions and illnesses can contribute to forgetfulness, so it’s important to make sure everything is OK before jumping to the conclusion that you are just tired, too busy, or have age-related memory loss.

Learn Something New.

One of the biggest boons for your brain health is to keep on learning. Whether you attend a class, join a book club, tune in to a podcast, or teach yourself a new skill, the act of learning can stimulate new cell growth, according to an article by Harvard Health Publishing. You’re never too old to learn something new. If group classes aren’t for you, grab your closest friends and sign up for a game of pub trivia. Try an online course or language learning audio at home. Or start even smaller by adding a word of the day or week to your routine.

Practice with Puzzles.

You know the old adage a puzzle a day keeps the doctor away, right? OK, that might not be how the saying traditionally goes, but it’s worth a try. Pick up a couple lightweight books full of crossword puzzles, sudoku (see sidebar), word jumbles, and the like; they are easy to travel with and offer healthy alternatives to scrolling your phone between appointments or while waiting in line at school pickup. Adult coloring and mindfulness books are also abundantly available and great tools to help keep your wheels turning.

Get Artsy.

Any type of learning is impactful, but studies have shown that attending at least one art-related activity per month is especially valuable to your cognitive function. Check out a local play, gallery exhibit, or concert to stimulate your brain in new ways. There is medicine in music, which has been shown to have a positive impact on people with dementia and Alzheimer’s. Although the music of your youth can help with memory function, listening to new-to-you-music challenges your brain in a different way, according to the experts at John Hopkins Medicine. Gather artist recommendations from friends and relatives and switch up your rotation every week for a while.

Work It Out.

Because everything is connected when it comes to health, pay attention to diet and physical exercise to keep your brain performing at capacity. Mix it up with aerobic, strength-based, and mind-body activities to encourage plenty of oxygen and blood flow to your brain. As long as you’re moving regularly, exercises can be low impact. What you consume at mealtime is significant too. Harvard Health lists green vegetables, fatty fish, berries, tea and coffee, and walnuts as the five foods linked to better brainpower. So take a brisk walk to the kitchen, fix yourself a healthful snack, put on some music, and pick up a crossword puzzle for peace of mind.


brain game.

Don’t miss a beat; tend to your brain health today and have fun too.

Fill in the sudoku puzzle below, then visit for the answers.


Photography by kupicoo/E+/Getty Images, Artulina1/iStock.

YHL/ Written by Maresa Giovannini

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