Outdoorsy By Nature

Outdoorsy By Nature

  • Kathy Sexton
  • 06/9/23

Outdoorsy By Nature | Making the Most of Fresh Air Excursions 

Your Home & Lifestyle Magazine

For Alisha McDarris, outdoor adventures have been beneficial both physically and mentally. “I’ve felt the power of nature therapy, because there’s no other place to feel the same sense of wonder you get from sitting at the foot of a waterfall, or summiting a peak, or reaching an alpine lake, or just walking a quiet trail alone and smelling pine baking in the sun,” says McDarris. She’s the Fayetteville, Arkansas-based founder of the blog Terradrift, which focuses on sustainable outdoor activities such as camping, hiking, and backpacking.

So how does one get started with reaping the rewards from getting active outdoors? Here’s a look at three popular outdoor activities and how to get rolling with each one.

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